Thursday, July 28, 2011

The myth of pennilessness and the behaviors that follow!

2011- in her monthly news letter, raising happiness, Christine Carter, Ph.D. writes about taking time off: it is a great way to be in life. I am so guilty as charged and have to train myself, a tall order & a difficult task ahead. She notes and I so relate to this:
"I was poisoned by that hypnotic belief, as Wayne Muller writes, that if I didn’t continually push myself, my work would tank and my children and I would be left penniless."

Dr. Carter said: "Here’s what I’ve learned: It is a myth that we succeed through unceasing and tireless effort. Yes, research does find that consistent and deliberate practice leads to elite performance in many fields. But focused work and consistent practice are not the same thing as unending work. Olympic athletes must rest or they get hurt. Fruit trees forced to produce for more than one season lose their ability to bear fruit. And us worker bees can slowly develop sleep debt so deep and burnout so profound that we are left too exhausted to function.

When health problems forced me to dramatically change my work schedule last fall—cutting back 10 hours a week or more—something amazing happened: My productivity actually increased. As a sociologist, I know research shows that rest often does improve productivity. But somehow, I found it very difficult to actually internalize this in my own life; I was poisoned by that hypnotic belief, as Wayne Muller writes, that if I didn’t continually push myself, my work would tank and my children and I would be left penniless."

I am one of those like Wayne Muller wrote, What do you think?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

the incredible power of mirror neurons and mentalizing!

When a woman born without limbs watches someone else sew, copycat regions in her brain activate even though she can’t hold a needle herself. Additional brain regions also lend support, demonstrating how flexible the brain is when it comes to observing and understanding the actions of others.

Scientists have known for over a decade about the mirror system, a network of brain regions usually activated by watching and performing an action. But just how the brain smoothly and quickly intuits what other people are doing, particularly when the action isn’t something the observer can do, has been unclear, says study coauthor Lisa Aziz-Zadeh of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.

“What’s interesting is that even when she can’t do it, when it’s impossible for her, she still recruits her mirror system, but she additionally recruits these mentalizing regions,” Aziz-Zadeh says.

By suggesting that the mentalizing system kicks in for this woman when she cannot copy an action, the new study helps clarify how these two brain systems work together, says cognitive neuroscientist Marcel Brass of Ghent University in Belgium.

the power of music

The brain feels musical beats, and even makes up its own when interpreting songs. Researchers asked volunteers to listen to a somewhat ambiguous musical beat and then to imagine it as either a march or a waltz while scientists recorded electrical activity in the brain. Listening to the beat as if it were a march (one-two, one-two) caused neurons to fire in a one-two pattern, whereas a waltz triggered a one-two-three pattern of brain activity, researchers from Belgium and Canada report in the July 13 Journal of Neuroscience. —Laura Sanders

Friday, July 22, 2011

Positive parenting


Concerned about the future of teens? You should be!

Unfortunately, Teens are more influenced by their peers than parents. Teens and Tweens are in touch with their friends and their social network 24/7 and they do engage most of those hours. Having a large audience to speak to is quite intoxicating to their young minds. Reality Television and facebook have become a source of attachment. Fame, power, popularity at any cost has become something to dream of and aspire to which is alarming for the next generation.

UCLA psychologists report in a new study.On a list of 16 values, fame jumped from the 15th spot, where it was in both 1987 and 1997, to the first spot in 2007. Fame is the No. 1 value emphasized by television shows popular with 9- to 11-year-olds, a dramatic change over the past 10 years, From 1997 to 2007, benevolence (being kind and helping others) fell from second to 13th, and tradition dropped from fourth to 15th. The study is published in the July issue of Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, a peer-reviewed journal featuring psychosocial research on the impact of the Internet on people and society.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

mindbrainflo: Beware, you could be next: “reparative therapy” co...

mindbrainflo: Beware, you could be next: “reparative therapy” co...: "In an interview last year with a Christian-radio talk show, Marcus Bachmann who runs a faith-infused counseling center here, compared homose..."

Beware: “reparative therapy” coming to your neighborhood !

One's homosexual fantasies & desires could become torturous enough that one would do anything/everything in his/her power to negate their existence. In an interview last year with a Christian-radio talk show, Marcus Bachmann who runs a faith-infused counseling center here, compared homosexuals to “barbarians” who “need to be educated, need to be disciplined.”

I don't know about you but I cannot imagine being in the presence of any human who can refer to others in this fashion let alone sleep next to him every night, yikes. It is quite clear that this type of person only approves of a mirror image of himself and nothing else. So, do not believe that this is about homosexuality, this is about Narcissism, closed mindedness and self adulation. You could be the wrong color, religion, size, shape, or form and you are a target. Bigotry has no bounds. So, no matter what you believe in, if it is different, you are wrong... Keep praying for sanity.

dreams have to do with the dreamers gender! May be evolution?

I often wondered why do I have nightmares? I analyzed the dreams from every psychological school of thought that I could wrap my head around.. then I recounted all the dreams of the hundreds of people who have walked through my doors and realized there is a common denominator, women's dreams are different than men and women have more nightmares than men. Men dream of intercourse, aggression and activities. But, woman not so often. The theme is always about loss and abandonment. I was hoping for some scientific proof and to my amazement, finally, I found it. I found Dr Jennie Parker who having suffered from nightmares, was interested in looking at some aspect of psychology for her PhD study and it was at a lecture about dreams, given by former UWE researcher Dr Susan Blackmore that she had a moment of epiphany.

Dr Parker explains, “My most significant finding is that women in general do experience more nightmares than men. An early study into dreams lead to my discovering that normative research procedures into Dream Research often considered the structure of dreams but that there is a gaping hole in terms of academic study that investigates emotional significance in the analysis of dreams.

Dr. Parker as a result of her research found the following: “I found that women’s nightmares can be broadly divided into three categories, fearful dreams – being chased or life threatened, losing a loved one or confused dreams." It sounds like evolution to me, what do you think?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Not so special? Illusion is part of the human condition!

As much as we want to think that we are independent, self reliant, non conformist, and proud of our unique qualities; we have to sheepishly admit that we have created an idealized illusion of humankind. We are hardly any of the above, we are terribly dependent on each other, very similar to each other, we rewrite our memories every time we recall them, therefore not terribly reliable. We are followers and cannot wait to have some religious or political leader sell us the moon for us to follow them. The me generation has egg on its facade, it did not last long for that reason. The social network world is really who we are. Studies have shown that the decisions we make, or the opinion we have, are strongly influenced by the decisions and opinions of our friends, or more generally, our contacts in our social network. The human problem is that we let ourselves be convinced by the individuals in our social network even if we end up within a Locust plague. We are not infatuated by sameness but by variety. We follow a new trend or a different idea, or a new direction based on our network. Just think of the clothes in your closet to the cars in your garage to the play you saw last week. all about following a group....! your thoughts are welcomed.

In a study published on July 15, 2011, in the Institute of Physics and German Physical Society's New Journal of Physics, researchers have shown that swarming, a phenomenon that can be crucial to an animal's survival, is created by the same kind of social networks that humans adopt. Locusts rely heavily on swarming as they are in fact cannibalistic. As they march across barren deserts, locusts carefully keep track of each other so they can remain within striking distance to consume one another -- a cruel, but very efficient, survival strategy. (ScienceDaily July 2011)

What do you think? What is it with humankind?

How do we determine negligence when it comes to parenting? Is it Obesity? Is it the number of hours spent watching TV? Is is emotional neglect? Is it physical abuse?
Is it a parent who shames and humiliates? Is it a parent who does not help with homework? One who is on drugs? It is amazing that obesity has now stirred up the question of loss of custody? We have to have a license to operate motorcycles, cars, drive a truck, and do manicures. Parents, however, have never been required to learn anything or read a book before having a baby. For decades all invisible child abuse have been closeted. Only recently do people dare utter "sexual abuse", "abandonment", "sadistic behavior" and other parental neglect. Even clergy abuse, within the safest construct led by god, is a slippery slope. Now, obesity has brought about such serious discussions lead by the AMA. Including the possibility of loss of custody! Why does our society have to have such tangible deadly proof of neglect before we pay attention to the vulnerable? Do we have to have the pain somatized to 400 pounds at the age 12 before someone pays attention? What about the ones who do not somatize to that level? Do we prescribe more neglect for them? Something to note about the human condition!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Men & Women ! "What no one talks about is endocrine diversity, a diversity of hormones."

This is Important information about factual differences between men and women. We would have a much better world if we could accept ourselves and start benefiting from each others qualities rather than serving our egos ...

Meredith Melnick Tuesday, June 28, 2011 TIMES HEALTHLAND
Recently in the Wall Street Journal, MarketWatch columnist David Weidner noted that women "do almost everything better" than men — from politics to corporate management to investing.

basically, the more women around, the better, as the Journal's Wiedner said. His column referred to a recent book by Dan Abrams called Man Down: Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt That Women Are Better Cops, Drivers, Gamblers, Spies, World Leaders, Beer Tasters, Hedge Fund Managers, and Just About Everything Else.

Abrams notes, women are better soldiers because they complain about pain less. They're less likely to be hit by lightning because they're not stupid enough to stand outside in a storm. They remember words and faces better. They're better spies because they're better at getting people to talk candidly.

What's the problem with men? "There's been a lot of academic research suggesting that men think they know what they're doing, even when they really don't know what they're doing," John Ameriks, the author of the Vanguard study, told the New York Times.

The so-called "winner effect," which has been seen in athletes during competition, also seems to apply to male traders. As the U.K.'s Guardian explained:

This occurs when two males enter a competition and their testosterone levels rise, increasing their muscle mass and the ability of the blood to carry oxygen. It also enhances their appetite for risk. Much of this testosterone stays in the system of the winner of a competition, while the loser's testosterone melts away fast; in evolutionary terms, the loser retires to the woods to lick his wounds. In the next round of competition, though, the winner already has high levels of testosterone, so he starts with an advantage, and this continues to reinforce itself.

"Steroids," Coates explains, "like most chemicals in your body, display what is called an inverted U-shaped response curve." That is to say, when you have low levels of them you lack vitality, and do very poorly at mental and physical tasks. But as the levels rise you get sharper and more focused until you reach an optimum. The key thing is this, however: "If you keep winning, your testosterone level goes past that peak and sliding down the other side. You start doing stupid things. When that happens to animals, they go out in the open too much. They pick too many fights. They neglect parenting duties. And they patrol areas that are too large." In short, they behave like traders on a roll; they get cocky.

Of course, to most women none of this is much of a revelation.

Evolution !

TIME HEALTHLAND: By Bonnie Rochman Friday, June 24, 2011
"Around ovulation, the mind is reallocating its resources in ways that are relevant evolutionarily", A woman develops a sharp "gaydar", has little interest in calling her
father and dials down male testosterone with her tears.... .
" that shows us that the link between body and mind is greater than we often think."