" I don't get why I think of stuff and then decades later it turns out to have been a very good guess, that is why I love scientific discoveries. I get to clean the attic up there with some awhawww moments! so satisfying sometimes. Thank you, our world scientists, for my sanity........ Now here is one of those thoughts I never revealed, but I can say, I knew it.!"
I have followed Dr. Allan Schore, one of my most beloved Gurus of Neuroscience, Attachment, Child Development and Therapeutic treatment (UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, and at the UCLA Center for Culture, Brain, and Development). He has stated for over a decade that the human genome is nurture dependent due to right brain activity during the first year of life. This brain organization and re-organiztion and prunes itself as a direct result of the dyadic regulatory mechanism that the attuned primary attachment figure provides. He has always suggested that Opiate system, the Endorphin system and Cortisol amongst other complex RB sub systems help regulate our genetic expression almost irrelevant or at least along side of predisposition....
Therefore, now, I totally believe that those (-50% of infants born in US have unhealthy attachments, a 20% drop in healthy infancy in a decade--NIMH-Shaver.) poorly attached infants born in the United States every year, approx. 445,000 each year, their families and the US are in for a disturbing discovery during the next two or three decades.
Gene Regulator in Brain's Executive
Hub Tracked Across Lifespan
ScienceDaily (Feb. 2, 2012)
— For the first time, scientists have tracked the activity, across the
lifespan, of an environmentally responsive regulatory mechanism that
turns genes on and off in the brain's executive hub. Among key findings
of the study by National Institutes of Health scientists: genes
implicated in schizophrenia and autism turn out to be members of a
select club of genes in which regulatory activity peaks during an
environmentally-sensitive critical period in development. The
mechanism, called DNA methylation, abruptly switches from off to on
within the human brain's prefrontal cortex during this pivotal
transition from fetal to postnatal life. As methylation increases, gene
expression slows down after birth. "This new study reminds us that genetic sequence is only part of the
story of development. Epigenetics links nurture and nature, showing us
when and where the environment can influence how the genetic sequence
is read," said NIMH director Thomas R. Insel, M.D.
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