Friday, July 22, 2011

Concerned about the future of teens? You should be!

Unfortunately, Teens are more influenced by their peers than parents. Teens and Tweens are in touch with their friends and their social network 24/7 and they do engage most of those hours. Having a large audience to speak to is quite intoxicating to their young minds. Reality Television and facebook have become a source of attachment. Fame, power, popularity at any cost has become something to dream of and aspire to which is alarming for the next generation.

UCLA psychologists report in a new study.On a list of 16 values, fame jumped from the 15th spot, where it was in both 1987 and 1997, to the first spot in 2007. Fame is the No. 1 value emphasized by television shows popular with 9- to 11-year-olds, a dramatic change over the past 10 years, From 1997 to 2007, benevolence (being kind and helping others) fell from second to 13th, and tradition dropped from fourth to 15th. The study is published in the July issue of Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, a peer-reviewed journal featuring psychosocial research on the impact of the Internet on people and society.

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